Sometimes, diagnosing health problems is made difficult by patients being unwilling to talk about some of their symptoms. This is especially true when it comes to sleep apnea, which can affect people in a variety of ways, some of which can be a little embarrassing to admit.
For example, there’s a complicated relationship between sleep apnea and bedwetting. If you’ve ever had a problem with the latter, it could be indicative of serious problems with your sleep—here’s what you should know.
What to Know About Nocturnal Urination
Across then U.S., it’s estimated that around 50 million people experience a frequent need to urinate when going to sleep, often waking them up and compelling them to use the bathroom multiple times each night. This is clinically known as “nocturia,” or nocturnal urination. As you may know, this is a common affliction that tends to become more prominent with age—however, contemporary research suggests that there could be other factors at play for those who deal with this issue.
In some circumstances, people may not wake up as they should when they need to urinate, causing them to wet the bed.
Nocturia and Sleep Apnea
The connection between these sleep apnea and nocturia hasn’t been conclusively proven, but there is some research that connects the two conditions. It’s been found that around half the people who have the former also have the latter, and that patients who are treated for sleep apnea often notice that their nocturnal urination improves.
If you have an unusual urge to urinate each night, it may be worth talking to a doctor or sleep dentist about whether you could have sleep apnea.
Other Potential Causes of Nocturia
While you’re waiting for your appointment, you may want to try making some changes to your lifestyle to see if your nocturia is alleviated. There are several factors that could contribute to the condition, like drinking an excess of water or alcohol before bed. Eating lots of salty foods has also been connected to nocturnal urination, so you may want to consider making some small changes to your diet.
About Our Practice
At Star Sleep & Wellness in Frisco, we understand how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. That’s why we’ve created a place where some of the most dedicated, experienced sleep specialists from across DFW can come together and use their expertise to help people. When you visit our practice, you’ll be able to get a treatment plan tailored specifically to you and will be able to take advantage of some of the latest developments in sleep medicine.
If you have any questions about how to handle sleep apnea, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (844) 409-4657.