Weight Loss Treatment for Sleep Apnea – Frisco, TX

The Sleep You Need, The Weight You Don’t

Woman smiling after weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Frisco

Katie Collier is a family nurse practitioner who understands the challenges associated with extra weight and chronic fatigue. Without proper treatment, being overweight or obese can lead to the development of serious health problems, one of which is sleep deprivation and sleep apnea. As part of the team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Frisco, she is here to explain the link between sleep apnea and weight, providing treatment that is designed to encourage weight loss and improve your overall health. Call us today to schedule an appointment with Katie to discuss weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Frisco.

What Causes Obesity?

Man wrapping tape measurer around his stomach

The number of individuals categorized as “obese” in the United States continues to rise year after year. Both children and adults are becoming statistics and beginning to experience the negative effects of excess weight.

It is estimated that 33% of adults in Texas are obese as well as 21% of children ages 10-17. These numbers can be attributed to one or more of the following reasons:

  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Minimal exercise
  • Sleep disorders or sleep apnea that causes chronic fatigue
  • Genetics
  • Medications
  • Societal determinates

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Woman yawning while driving

There are three types of sleep apnea in Frisco, but the most common is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Caused by the soft tissues collapsing onto the throat, it creates a blockage that prevents free-flowing air from moving in or out. This causes the brain to trigger the body to wake up. Frequent interruptions throughout the night can increase your risk for many health problems, some of which include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, or stroke.

But the cause of sleep apnea can stem from smoking, nasal congestion, a narrow throat, a deviated septum, or being overweight or obese.

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Weight

Man yawning while sitting at desk with book open

Being overweight or obese does not always mean that you will have sleep apnea, but it does increase your risk, especially if you have fat accumulations around your neck. This particular area of the body can be more negatively impacted because of the additional pressure placed onto the airway.

Also, fatigue due to lack of sleep can reduce your desire to exercise or eat right, which creates a cycle that might seem impossible to escape. As researchers continue to look at the connection between sleep apnea and weight, there is a higher probability that the two can cause:

  • A slower metabolism
  • A greater risk of diabetes because of reduced insulin sensitivity
  • Increased cravings for sugars and starches
  • Minimal physical activity
  • Fatty liver disease

Sleep Apnea and Weight Loss

Person stepping on scale

Diet and exercise are most commonly recommended for obese or overweight individuals who suffer from sleep apnea. Highly effective and safe when monitored by a professional, the results can lead to improved overall health, better sleep, and a reduced risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health conditions.

The adoption of daily exercise and good nutrition can help you to see a noticeable difference in your sleep patterns and energy levels, making it possible to function daily without much trouble. Additional treatment options may be necessary, however, if diet and exercise are not enough.

How Star Sleep & Wellness in Frisco Can Help

Smiling man leaning on kitchen counter

Our family nurse practitioner, Katie Collier, is here to help you navigate the process of losing weight and getting better sleep. She will start by reviewing your medical history and discussing how long you have struggled with your weight. Through these discussions, she will also learn whether there is a family history of obesity and your attempts to lose weight in the past.

Using an InBody scale, Katie will measure your body composition, which includes your weight, body mass index, percentage of body fat, visceral fat, basal metabolic rate, and fluid status. This device allows us to determine the appropriate calorie deficit to help you lose weight.

As part of the comprehensive plan, Katie will also develop a nutrition strategy that is more than just preparing meals but also incorporates ways to properly read labels, when to eat, appropriate exercise, and if you are a candidate for anti-obesity medications. These medicines can help reduce your appetite and regulate your hunger and emotional hormones.

Effective weight loss plans also include regular follow-up appointments each month to graph your progress and determine the changes occurring in your body.

Understanding the Cost of Weight Loss Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Two woman talking to each other from across a desk

No two patients are the same, so the cost of weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Frisco will vary. Your plan will be based on your needs, so it will be fully customizable. If anti-obesity medications are necessary, there is a chance that your medical insurance will help cover the cost. Your scheduled visits may also be covered. A member of our team will review your plan to determine if you should expect any out-of-pocket expenses before starting treatment.